Wastewater treatment
Wastewater technology needs reliable process paths:
In order to optimize the flow of waste water and the aeration tanks in the sewage works, computational fluid dynamics can provide significant support and potential for optimization. Thus, we are able to support you in reassessing your plant and finding potential solution for improving your project.
Principally, an increased efficiency of individual process steps can be realized.
The picture shows the ASM1 mechanism which is integrated in the CFD model. For example, this can be used to realize the computation of nitrate decomposition. The figures show a cross section of an aeration tank in a sewage works.
The optimization process can be improved according to the principle of IST ingestion.
Here are some examples of possible calculations:
Compactor, mixer and ventilation pumps
Nitrate/ammonium, phosphates and CSB
Improve utilization rate of oxygen, variation of aeration or also of agitator and aerator arrangements
We can also illustrate special movements of agitators using CFD calculations. The illustration shows the different mixing quality for two different mixing positions in the reactor.
If you want to delve deeper into the matter, we offer you a paper for download here:
Common questions
Can the microbiological processes be represented in the 3D flow simulation?
Basically: yes, we use a model developed at the TU Dortmund University, which is able to reproduce the AMS1 approach (Activated Sludge Model) accurately for optimization approaches. In addition to the values for NH4-N, NO3-N and TDS, the complex viscosity, the biomass settling behavior, the dry matter and the dissolved oxygen in the water can also be represented.
Can the positions and type of agitators or an aeration concept be optimized and tested?
Yes, the flow simulation method is ideal for concept development and testing. Complex moving installations, different speeds, different ventilation concepts can be tested and improved for their suitability before installation. Please contact us.
Is the hydraulic behaviour in the plant components, or distribution structures, predictable?
By taking the interaction between the two phases air and waterinto account, as well as the geodetic heights of the plant components, it is possible to predict and test different volume flows and operating conditions.
Can the flushing behaviour of sand filters be represented by means of simulation?
By means of transient calculations of three phases air, water and particles, the flushing and settling effect can be calculated.
Automotive engineering
Automotive engineering
We offer you everything around the necessary calculations in automotive engineering!
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
We are there for you when it comes to checking ventilation concepts and planning them in a target-oriented manner!
Thermal energy storage
Thermal energy storage
We will give you a specific solution according to your requirements.
Power plant technology
Power plant technology
Do you want to test the efficiency of your project? We support you in the planning of your project
Heat technology
Heat technology
Process simulations to increase efficiency.
Particle simulation
Particle simulation
Concept checks using particle simulation.
Flue gas cleaning
Flue gas cleaning
Emission reduction, efficiency improvements and concept testing
Combustion technology
Combustion technology
If you want to use new burners in your boiler, we will help you check your suitability.