VR Visualization
Visualization of our CFD simulations through virtual reality
You may like to experience the simulated flow path live and in color? We offer an impressive interior view of simulated systems using Virtual Reality!

HTC Vive
If you want to visualize the abstract calculations of our simulations, we recommend using the possibility of the latest virtual reality techniques.
Our offer includes:
- Detailed “commission” of our CFD simulations by means of Oculus Rift (VR glasses)
- Visual presentation of the calculated CFD simulation (see our offer for the CFD simulation)
- Detailed explanation of what we saw through us
- Possibility to rent the VR system
- For independent purposes
- Or to display self-calculated CFD simulations
- To inspect already planned plants in the planning phase
- Buyers of already planned systems can get a first impression from the operator’s point of view
- Plant manufacturers can give operators a first draft impression as a sales argument
Visualize complex issues

Common questions
What are the benefits for me as a customer?
The calculation results, including new geometries, can be examined in a VR inspection in real size ratios. Illustrations of the process itself can be highlighted, or the operation with regard to assembly and revision can be discussed. For individual projects, additional ideas can be generated from a VR inspection, or solutions can be illustrated to the customer.
Can the system be borrowed?
Our customers can borrow the system for their projects after an communication with us, please contact us!
Can a separate system be used?
We can also export simulation results for you in specific and desired formats so that you can use your existing system.

Automotive engineering
Automotive engineering
We offer you everything around the necessary calculations in automotive engineering!

Air conditioning
Air conditioning
We are there for you when it comes to checking ventilation concepts and planning them in a target-oriented manner!

Thermal energy storage
Thermal energy storage
We will give you a specific solution according to your requirements.

Power plant technology
Power plant technology
Do you want to test the efficiency of your project? We support you in the planning of your project

Heat technology
Heat technology
Process simulations to increase efficiency.

Wastewater treatment
Wastewater treatment
Concept tests by means of flow simulation.

Flue gas cleaning
Flue gas cleaning
Emission reduction, efficiency improvements and concept testing

Combustion technology
Combustion technology
If you want to use new burners in your boiler, we will help you check your suitability.